

7 Trending Commercial Property Improvements

While general contractors are not architects or interior designers, commercial general contractors are always witnesses to the comings and goings of space design trends. As commercial tenants open doors once again to clients and the public and property owners look to add value, here are some of the current commercial property and tenant improvements Premier Construction is seeing:

Unused Outdoor Commercial Space Renovations

Otherwise abandoned rooftops or alley spaces can become the most favored feature of a property with a little bit of creativity and some general contractor renovations. Consider adding a garden area with outdoor seating for lunch breaks and a change of scenery during the work day, or simply a paved walkway to add a fresh aesthetic.

Efficiency Improvements for Less Expensive Utilities

Though not as appealing to the eye, making strategic improvements to building infrastructure or replacing old machinery for new can greatly decrease overhead expenses for tenants and property owners. In the long-run, this means less money spent on things like electricity, heating, and cooling. Many occupants are opting for improved insulation, replacement of HVAC systems, or even implementing solar panels.

Improve Your Commercial Property Curb Appeal

Especially for older commercial buildings or units located within a larger strip mall, a fresh coat of paint, improved signage, or some landscaping out front can make a space stand out and look attractive. Your general contractor can typically arrange for any of these cosmetic improvements through relationships with subcontractors in the area. Curb appeal is a great way to maximize appeal while putting in minimal effort or funds.

Design Unique Interior Spaces for Tenants & Customers

Not only can incorporating updated amenities freshen the feel of any space, but building out thoughtfully unique spaces like a coffee corner or a fitness concept in a commercial space can please both tenants and their customers/clients. 

Light Fixtures & Drop Ceiling Removal

Get rid of drop ceiling tiles and fluorescent lights to opt for aesthetically appealing lighting and modern light fixtures. Getting rid of the drop ceiling not only makes a space look updated and more modern, but opens up the opportunity for a perfectly styled exposed ceiling. With the right pendant light fixtures hanging from the ceiling and a paint job, you can enjoy more vertical space and lighting that won’t have you regretting the decision to work from the office.

Big Windows & Natural Lighting

Complementing an open ceiling and new light fixtures with big windows further contributes to a space that feels airier and more aesthetically pleasing. By creating spaces with more and/or bigger windows and views to the outside, building occupants are sure to feel happier. 

Interior Plant Installations

Bring the houseplant craze into the office with the installation of a living wall or indoor plantscape. Not only will greenery make your space look great, but plants also carry the benefit of purified air and serve as a natural sound barrier.

Des Moines Commercial Property Improvement Contractor

There are many ways to make improvements when it comes to a leased commercial unit or owned commercial property. Contact Premier Construction for tenant build-out improvements or pre-lease improvements to increase the value of your property. We proudly serve the Des Moines and West Des Moines areas!